Robots in disguise jazz

Transformers: Robots in Disguise is an American animated robot superhero television series for children produced by Hasbro Studios and Darby Pop Productions in the United States, and animated by Polygon Pictures in Japan. It is the stand-alone sequel to Transformers: Prime, featuring characters and storylines mostly self-contained from the events of its predecessor as well as an overall more

How to delete search history in search bar

Is there any way to hide these search results, as going into Settings > Security and selecting 'clear search history' does not clear them. For example, typing "c" into the search bar will bring up accounts such as 'Cristiano', as I have searched for this account multiple times. 0 …

Freedom 35 beer

A delicious beer sent down from the gods (Bubbles, Ricky, and Julian). A delicious beer sent down from the gods (Bubbles, Ricky, and Julian). Freedom 35 is fuckin

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